Memberships overdue
MEMBERSHIPS – AGAIN! From membership secretary Charlie Bannerman
I’m sorry to have to raise this again.
(Well actually… no I’m not. More realistically, I’m getting increasingly fed up at having to bang my head against an ever harder brick wall!)
Anyway, in collaboration with Ross Cairns, I’ve been checking membership status against our provisional entry list for the North District CC Championships.
It shows that almost a quarter of provisional entrants have not renewed their club memberships, which finally expire on November 30th, three days before the championships.
I have already indicated that only those with 2016-17 memberships will be entered for these championships. Entries close on 21st November and, remaining on matters financial, the club is also looking for payment in advance of the entry fees (£6 for seniors, otherwise £4.50).
It is possible that some of these names will drop off before entries are finalised, but a number of regular competitors are currently in danger of not being entered for these championships.
Ross is coordinating entry arrangements, membership renewals go to me.
Please be in no doubt that the Committee intends to apply club rules after what is a very generous period of grace for memberships…. not the least out of recognition of the many who are up to date with this.