Access issues continue

After a one night respite, we are once again back to entering and leaving the Queens Park by the same gate as has apparently been used by a squadron of heavy tanks returning from the Battle of Passchendaele, and this latest photo speaks a thousand words.
We did speak to Inverness Leisure about using the other gate just five yards away instead. However we were told that this was not possible due to… wait for it…. inadequate lighting and too steep a descent into the track …. HONEST! (This by the way is the very same gate as was used for the first 25 years of the track’s existence - but which now seems to be considered more dangerous than the one shown in our photo.)
The old gate was, however, opened on Tuesday (10th) but they now seem to have reverted to the other one.
The club therefore feels it again needs to advise members about this safety issue and express its regrets about the mud which will have been been brought into so many cars and homes.
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