Club enjoys Cross Country Dominance
The club has enjoyed possibly its most successful cross country season ever (see Charlie Bannerman for confirmation of this claim).
Forres Harriers once again put on an excellent end of season event and the club thanks Paul Rogan and his team for the organisation and post race refreshments. Whilst the club enjoys the success of winning 8 out of the 9 Team titles it recognises and thanks the event organisers, officials and helpers who make the North League such a great series of races.
Congratulations to individual winners Lachlan Buchanan (u11 boys), Catriona Garvie (u13 girls), Kieran Chalmers (u15 boys), Sarah Liebnitz (Senior Women) and John Newsom (senior men).
This only gives a fraction of the story of success and improvement across the age groups. Full details to follow but check out the overall results below for an indication of the clubs strength across the age groups.
Well done to everyone who has represented the club regardless of the position you finished. Enjoy the tarmac and tartan and we’ll see you in October for more Cross Country.