Weekend Action


The weekend saw Harriers proudly wearing the Gold and Maroon colours across the athletic disciplines and across the corners of the country.

Paul Miller won the Scottish ranking Durness Duathlon (5k Run 20K Bike 5K run) in the far North West with a great individual cycle taking him clear of the strong opposition.

In the Cairngorms Kenny Steele, Billy Skinner, Stewart Wilson and Alec Keith battled the challenging Meall a’Bhuchaille Hill Race.  Alec Keiths vest had suffered appeared to have suffered a washing machine malfunction and had come out in a solid brown colour!! Results to follow

In Aberdeen Stephen Mackay (or as the results call him, Runner Unknown) won the 5k Aberdeen Parkrun.

Closer to home Sunday saw the 2nd running of the Culloden 17.46K and 10k runs.  There were quite a few harriers out who enjoyed the best of the conditions over a pretty tough course. Top club finishers were Jonny Macleod who was 5th in the 17.46k in 1.08.40 and in the 10k Neil Grant was 5th and Andy Hall was 15th. Also competing were Jude Colligan, Fiona Mackay, Louise Crilly, Margaret Woodhouse Alex Sutherland and Liz Forbes in the 10k and Dougie and Averil Lamont and Charlie Jarvie in the 17.45. RACE RESULTS ARE HERE

Next week is the Keith XC and the club hopes to have strong teams from all the age groups making the trip east along the A96.

If I have missed anyone or have omitted to mention an event or race please contact me on invernessharriersphotos@yahoo.co.uk

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